Saturday, May 2, 2009

Scene Not In Book

Allie from Vancity Allie has new photos up of Bella riding on a motorcyle.
"Because we got there so late, we missed all of Rob’s scenes. This is how his scenes were filmed, and how they are going to incorporate more of him into the movie than the book: In this scene in the movie, Bella leaves the theatre with Jessica (the first time she goes to the theatre, not the second time when she goes with Mike and Jacob)… and encounters the same gang that she did in the first movie. And they’ve got motorcycles. She decides to go on a joyride with one of the gang members to try to upset Edward into appearing in her head again. Only in this particular movie scene, they actually filmed Rob Pattinson standing right beside Kristen Stewart telling her not to go, with Kristen standing and talking to the gang member beside his bike. (I’m sure they’ll make him an apparition in post-production editing)
So that’s my best guess at the Bella motorcycle mystery based on what I saw on set. This scene is not like New Moon… in the book, her and Jessica see the gang members sitting in a pub through the window. There was never any motorcycle scenes. The ones ones in the book are with Taylor Lautner on dirtbikes and he wasn’t there. (He was filming the scenes where he jumped from Bella’s window at the Swan house set tonight)"

I think they are doing this so that they can add in more scenes were Edward appears. Normally I wouldnt want the movie to be different from the book, but anything that gives us more Edward is great.

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